Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend Homes - Ideal Retirement Option.

Weekend Homes – An ideal retirement home option.

It’s every city slickers dream to have a pad in the country side. This pad away from the city initially offers the weekend get away option when a person is still working. It’s the best time one can spend with ones family as time with family on weekdays comes at a premium for most people working in cities. Given this beginning one is introduced to the joy of spending time with family, in simple surroundings which offer great views and nature in full bloom. The clean refreshing air increases ones stamina and adds zest to life and adds a new perspective to life and what it has to offer.

Our in-house research suggests, that a increasing number of people who are in the higher salary bracket who have a middle class upbringing and values, look forward to be able to contribute to society. A second home as a retirement home option ideally satisfy these needs. Once can live in peace and tranquility in ones second home and do quality work along with NGO’s or on their own with Farmers, Tribals and other such down trodden members of society. There are some customers of Disha Direct who have moved to India from UK, US and Australia with such goals in mind. There are local Indians too who are looking forward to such a life.

Secondly, theme based second homes which focus on retirement and the typical needs of a retiree is also in vogue. The needs to be addressed for a retiree are

  1. Quality Company to spend time
  2. Various activities which keep them busy through the day and result in maintaining physical and mental health.
  3. Access to good medical facilities 
  4. Features in the dwelling unit which keep the age of the residents in mind so that things are very accessible, proper support is provided in places like bathroom etc. which have stagnant water in it.
  5. Care is taken to see that the tiles are anti skid, the electrical points are easy to handle and very accessible.
  6.  There is space created for domestic animals like dogs, cats, cattle etc which retirees usually like to live with especially when they are living in remote locations.
  7. The location should be within 2-2.5 hours driving distance from the nearest city so that the place is not very remote and does not inconvenience close relatives from visiting the residents of the retirement homes.

And so on… the list can be anyone’s dream wish list and one can keep innovating and improvising to give the best.

Companies like Disha Direct, come with innovative concepts innovations and ideas which can cater to the needs of a typical retiree.  To add to it, the Disha Direct properties are located and built in such a way that they make sense to live and also double up good investments as the investments are liquid. There is a huge demand for such properties.

One of the projects which has been recently launched by Disha Direct is ‘Raanwara’. As the name suggests it means ‘Forest Breeze’. Ideally located at Mandangad on the Mumbai – Goa Highway, its situated right next to a thriving village, which has all the conveniences and facilities required for day to day living. The project shares a common boundary with a hospital which provides all kinds of medical treatment. This location is ideal for a retirement homes as most of the points listed earlier are taken care of in this location. Secondly, these places are within 2 hours driving distance from the nearest city, which is Pune in the case of Raanwara, this ensures that the retirement pad is not very remote which makes it difficult for immediate relatives to be ale to visit.  

Places like this presents an opportunity to the residents of the second homes to work closely with rural folk and help them improve their lives by providing education, tips for better living, dispelling myths, helping them improve agricultural yield etc.      

One can conclude safely that the concept of second homes doubling up as retirement homes is a viable concept and if implemented imaginatively, there will be do dearth of options available to suit each person’s requirement, likes and taste.

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